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Network Assistance


This can be achieved via several mediums

1. You have to enhance visibility for business prospects. I need to become familiar with how all the opportunities are posted (CC website, SCAGPO, etc.) Then I will need to communicate this information to the Business community via flyer from our once through email.

2.  Next, we have to enhance and encourage the opportunity for teaming agreements and joint ventures. This will probably need to convert to an actual seminar where business owners are made aware of the benefits of teaming and creating alliances in order to go after work normally they would not be able to with a team.

3.  I would like to see this tab added to the Charleston County website for advertisement to the public that this resource exists as an outreach tool for the Procurement Department. This will help to get the word out and start foot traction for the businesses that are looking to do business with the County.

4.  We also need to make some sort of marketing brochure to explain the Procurement Outreach Program when we are in the field and exhibiting at expos and events.

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